life...or something like it

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Okay...I think I'm starting to get it...

This week has opened my eyes to a lot of things. Starting with: my alumni interview project. I talked to Jennifer Moreau (media relations, FSN Pittsburgh) about her time at Westminster and how she got to where she is. She was a fantastic interview--very nice and informative. I found out she was a PR major and Political Science minor and that she wished she would've taken a few more broadcasting classes after seeing how the two are so linked in the real world. Also, she stressed the importance of networking and internships to landing a job after college. It's something I've heard a million times and know I need to do and I felt she was talking specifically to me.

Secondly, Sebastian Driver (another, more recent, WC alum) visited our journalism class on Tuesday. He talked about his life since graduation and what he's doing now. One thing he said really related to me: after he graduated, he refused to go home until he had a job...which meant moving wherever the jobs were. He ended up in Dalton, GA for awhile which he said he didn't regret professionally, even though he didn't know anyone down there. Well, I am the same way. I can't picture myself ever living at home again. I feel like I don't have a life there anymore. Not so much because I would be embarrassed because I don't have a job yet...but because I just don't fit there anymore. I'm ready to move on and be on my own and see what terrified as I am to actually do that, I'm more afraid to get stuck where I don't want to be.

And Finally, the capstone presentations last night. They really got me thinking that I'm next. I will soon be standing up in front of everyone talking about whatever I've done at WC, still remembering watching Pat and Tandi and Jason, etc. do the same thing. I want to put a lot of work into my presentation because I'm proud of some of the things I've accomplished. So...I want to start thinking about that now.

In conclusion, is there anyone left in my age bracket that is not engaged?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

10 tell-tale signs you are in fact a broadcasting major...

This week in our capstone class, we talked about lists. Life lists, to-do lists, goal lists...that sort of thing. Also, a lot of people talked about their favorite broadcasting memories so far. And, while I definitely have a lot of those, I decided to list a few ways you know you're a broadcaster. Here goes...
#10 - you go to a movie with friends and find yourself commenting on the "rule of thirds" and whether the director gave too much head room.
#9 - you pass an accident on the road and think "if only I had my mini-disc recorder..."
#8 - you know all of the ABC news reporters by name...and that Charles Gibson never times out right.
#7 - you overhear news/gossip around campus and wonder how many ala carte points you would get for turning it into a story for the web.
#6 - you pass the creek on the way to class or go to a sporting event on campus and keep track in your head of all the great "nat sound" opportunities.
#5 - you constantly try to reduce everything everyone says to you to a 10-second sound bite.
#4 - you expect everyone (including non-broadcasters) to know what you're talking about when you say "package" or "wrap", etc...
#3 - you're still trying to figure out how the most obscure news just "finds" Mr. Weaver...
#2 - you party a little bit on the inside when you put your field tape in the edit bay and you have sound AND non-blue video.
#1 - you eat at least two meals in the newsroom everyday.

Well, this may not be true for everyone...but I've had a few of these happen from time to time :)

Yesterday was officially my last time broadcasting a football hasn't really sunk in yet that I'm a senior I guess. Titan Crew has been a pretty interesting experience - definitely something I will never forget.

This week's agenda:
1. Alumni Interview and Presentation
2. make a new resume
3. help out on packages for TCL
4. probably more to be named later...

Have a good week everyone!! :)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Interviews all around

This has been a crazy week of interviews!! I had a few long-formats to do, a phoner, and an in the studio interview to do for this week's County Close-Up. I really like doing that, by the way. This week's guest was Political Writer for the Sharon-Herald Jeff Greenburg. We talked about candidates, election issues, The League of Women Voters, and Bob Robbins and last year's hot issue: the pay raise. He was a great interview! It went really well. I'm very interested in all the "political stuff", and am thinking about doing a story on Election Day. :)

As for the phone interview, I would like to talk to Dan Vogler (Lawrence County Commissioner and WC Alum) about what he does now and also a little bit about what he did while at Westminster. I'm also planning to make an appointment with Jennifer Moreau at FSN for my other Alumni interview next week.

Hopefully my interview with Jeff Greenburg will make it on the web before Election Day, because he had a lot of good information. I think he has the coolest job--talking to all the candidate's and then writing about it. I would love to do something like that someday.

I'm also doing the interview segment for TCL next week so I need to start thinking about potential people to talk to. I'd still like to interview Dr. Swerdlow about his new cluster involving language and community service.

Danielle and I airchecked and analyzed our newscast (which was filled with good sound...including a wrap) so that went well. I'd like to send one down to Marshall Adams at KDKA for some feedback soon.

Pem and Em in the AM is going strong...even though this week was a downer with Bob Barker retiring :( and Ryan Phillippe and Reese Witherspoon breaking up. I love our show though...we play off of each other well and I think it ends up being pretty funny (at least to us!!)

On a sports note, only 2 more football games to broadcast!!! Not that I don't like doing it, but I'm excited to have my weekends back to work on some other things :)

As always, I have about 101 I want to do...I don't even know how I remember it all.