life...or something like it

Sunday, September 10, 2006 mean there's life after Westminster??

I really got a lot out of Capstone on Thursday. Not only was it interesting to hear about other people's goals for the future, it forced me to recognize and re-evaluate my own. I was both surprised and relieved how much I related to Kirstan and Stevi with the whole law school thing. I think it's awesome if it's something you really want to Kirstan with the entertainment law, but sometimes I think I like the idea of law school better than the actual applying and going part. When Stevi said she actually stopped and asked herself "What do I like about law and what do I want to do with it?", It really made me think. Sometimes I feel like the more education I pursue, the less worried I will be about my future. I'm not going to rule out further education out all together, but class on Thursday definitely helped me put it into perspective and really ask myself what I want to do.

I was also glad to hear that I'm not the only one that wants to gravitate away from Pittsburgh. Steve mentioned New York City, and Kirstan is all set up in California. I don't have anything against Pennsylvania, but I didn't grow up around here and I want to see what else is out there.

I've already gotten to work on one of my short term goals: writing for a campus publication. At the end of class, DJ and I went over to talk to Patrick Goldwater (in charge of WC Magazine) to talk about the possibility of me writing for them. DJ seriously hooked me up and I am starting research on a piece about what day to day life at Westminster is really like (dating, new technology, etc.) It will be a lot of last minute work to get interviews and then finally write the article, but it is something I think I'll really get into. Thanks DJ!

Now I need to put some serious thought into my senior project and prepare for my debuts on County Comments for TCL.

Thanks for stopping by!


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

Got the comment on my blog...and I'm extremely pleased Thursday's class was helpful. I try not to do the same thing every year, but I like to keep the little things that work if they can stimulate your thinking and conversations with each other. Now we need to use this as a platform to extend the conversation to people who can help you with the transition from college to professional world.

At 6:31 PM, Blogger DJ Yokley said...

It was my pleasure to help you out with WC Magazine, like I said, you're the first person that popped into my head! As for the whole nerve thing about life after college. The biggest advice I received this summer didn't come from any broadcaster, it actually came from a guy at a baseball game that asked me what I wanted to do in BC. I responded with "everything" and he threw out a little tip I got alot out of and you may as well...

"It's nice to be a jack of all trades, but bosses only look for a master of one."
-Old Guy
I think it's nice to be broad in our major, but the only way to be focused is to really nail down what you want to do, and if you ask me, you're well on your way...good luck on the article, see you tomorrow

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Kirstan Gides :) said...

Hey girl! I know what you mean about law school. I always wanted to go to law school to be a litigator, but I never realized entertainment law existed until recently. I say go with where life takes you. Everything will fall into place, it always does :)

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hun...thanks for your comment. When we were listening to everyone's 'future' I could really see you doing what you wrote about. Living out in California, I believe, writing for a magazine. I picture it almost like Carrie Bradshaw's life. Well anyway about law school, I'm glad I could help. And the option of law school will always be there. You don't have to continue your education right out of undergrad. Also, I'm excited for you to do County Close-UP. You'll be great! And I'm there to help. I know I needed help when I was doing it. Can't wait to see you on the set!!!

At 3:22 AM, Blogger Leanne said...

YOU are my hero for being the greatest writer to ever grace the WC campus. :)

Seriously, though, I think that there are so many possibilities for you, because there are so many things that interest you. What you need to do this year is find ONE, and run with it! I think you're already beginning with writing for WC magazine.

You can come back and visit me in the Burgh after you move to Cali, right?

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Liz Farry said...

Wow, way to be checking off those goals already! Sometimes all it takes is figuring out what you need to accomplish in order for you to make it happen. And ps, it was awesome talking to you today, I miss you like crazy!! :)


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