life...or something like it

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Has anyone seen 2006? I seem to have misplaced it...

I am sort of in denial that this year is almost over. Life seems to move much faster during the college years for some reason. I almost expect the world to be just as it was almost 4 years ago when I first started school, but everytime I go home, I realize that it's not. These past few weeks have been mostly about finishing up projects, tests, and papers in anticipation of semester's end. As much as I love this time of year, it all seems so final. I'm just about done with my news resume...and I'm actually pretty happy with it so far. My long format interview for journalism is coming along as well. I'm doing some more interviews around campus about dating/nightlife and I want to inbed some music clips inbetween sound bites. I hope it turns out alright.

Our journalism class went to the scene of the house explosion in New Castle this week and it was just devastating. It was a little hard for me to approach people to interview at first because they were still in so much shock. I ended up talking to some really nice people and writing a wrap for the news and I also did my last interview segment this week for TCL. I interviewed Carey-Anne Meyer LaSor about the Alternative Gift Market. She was very nice (as were all of my interviewees) so it was a good last interview. I really enjoyed doing the segment, so hopefully I'll get a chance next semester as well. for my favorite part of the week. My reporting shift on Friday for the news was awesome. We had some really good stories (all with sound) of which was about a wind advisory which required me to stand outside with a microphone and get hit in the face with leaves to get some nat sound. It was a great time. I also pulled sound from my TCL interview and did a voicer on house explosion updates. It was just a good news day :)

Now, it's time to start planning for the second annual Titan Radio Christmas Party!!!


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Leanne said...

Em, Noah Welch was sent down to the minors today. So you can't hang out with him.

Geez, without you, I don't even know where news would have been this semester. You are truly a champ.

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Liz Farry said...

Amy!! I am loving the red and green blog. I sang christmas tunes as I read it.

At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about this year flying by. Can you imagine what our last semester is going to be like? It's going to go by in the blink of an eye. Are we having a titan radio party??

At 7:31 PM, Blogger Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

Friday afternoon newscasts are always some of the best!

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Tandi Lane said...

Great going Amy! You made use of good sound using it for TV and for radio news! That's always great because it can be hard sometimes to get great sound that can be used in multiple places. Nat sound for the wind advisory is great too! I'm so proud!
I'm sure interviewing people that just went through a disaster is hard, but usually people will talk to reporters who are respectful and not in their face and with your communication skills that you have developed from your time at Westminster, I'm sure they could see that you were a great and easy person to talk to. It's ok to be emotional over a disaster, you're only human, but it's always best to do your best not to be biased on air unless that is what your news Director wants and it relates to the format of the station (Conservative or Liberal). Not meaning you should be biased, but generally you may end up making a certain story a lead because people want to hear about the lying mayor since he is Republican and the station format is very liberal. I hope that makes sense!


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