senior project and such...
So...about that senior project...
I have an idea of what I want to do, but it is still in rough outline form. My article on dating came out in the WC magazine this week and I know I want to incorporate that into some sort of project. Mr. Weaver has suggested creating an infotainment-type web story that incorporates pieces of my article tied together with songs from Titan Radio. I like the's just the whole thing about actually knowing where to start.
Arlen Specter came to campus today to speak briefly and then answer some questions. I went to ask him a few questions afterward, which went really well. He discussed a lot of issues on the international/national level, and I followed up with bringing it back to the local level and asking him what he thought about the current race between Santorum and Casey. He obviously supports Santorum, but did not condone the "bad-mouthing" that seems to be the trend lately in campaigns. He explained that the negativity is inevitable in campaign advertising and debating because, unfortuneately, it works on swaying public opinion. I thought he answered the questions very well, and took clear stances on all of the issues presented. We got some good sound and video (I hope) from the new camera that can hopefully be used for newscasts and next week's County Line. Oh, and hopefully some web stuff :)
I'm also working this week on copying my County Close-Up Interview to possibly add to a resume in the future. I ripped the sound and put in on mini-disc and on Adobe for my long-format interview. So, everything is going pretty good there.
Other than that, I have my reporting shift for news on Friday, and Titan Crew (graphics) for the Homecoming game this weekend against Bethany.
Have a good rest of the week!!
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